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1 Year REMEMBRANCE – Mrs. Victoria Ojiadazie


The Remembrance of an Amazon, Late Adaozo Mrs. Victoria Chioma Ojiadazie, who was born on the Second (2nd) day of October, 1954, into the family of Late Pa. Michael Ukeh, of Umuchibu, Abor-Isikwe, Achi, Oji-River Local Government Area, of Enugu State.

She was a humble woman, who greatly impacted lives.

She taught people the importance of hard-work, and praying for everything they wanted in life.

Mama showed love to all the persons who came her way.

She radiated love on the entire family, and all her grandchildren have special testimonies to that effect, because, she was there for them.

She was filled with wisdom, strength, compassion and love, as many lives were blessed through her goodness.

Ada-Ozo, was popularly known as Electric UmuAgbara.

By His special grace, she died a fulfilled woman.

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