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We the family of Late Pa Phillip Nnamani Okenwa, of Amiyiagwo Mbogodo Agbani, in Nkanu West Local Government Area, of Enugu State, Nigeria, respectfully invite you to the Celebration of Life and Funeral Rites, of our Patriach and Iconic Centenarian, Pa Phillip Nnamani Okenwa.

Age – [19162024‌] One Hundred and Six (108) Years Old.

Burial Arrangements

  • 3rd (Wednesday) April, Twenty Twenty Four (2024) – Service of Songs at St. Michael’s Methodist Church, Agbani, Nkanu West Local Government Area, of Enugu State.
  • 4th (Thursday) April, Twenty Twenty Four (2024)- (5pm) Christian Wake-Keep at his country home.
  • 5th (Friday) April, Twenty Twenty Four (2024)- Body leaves Eastern Nigeria Medical Center Mortuary, in a motor cade, for lying in state in his country home. A flag stop at his market square residence, Agbani.
  • 10am – Burial Service at Emmanuel Methodist Church, Mbogodo Agbani.
  • 11am – Interment at his country home. Reception/Entertainment of guest, at Nkanu Local Government Area Headquarters, Agbani.
  • 6th (Saturday) April, Twenty Twenty Four (2024) – Condolence visit continues.
  • 7th (Sunday) April, Twenty Twenty Four (2024) – Outing/Thanksgiving Service at Emmanuel Methodist Church Mbogodo, Agbani.

He survived by his children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren, inlaws, and numerous other relations.

May his gentle and kind soul, rest in God’s bossom. 




Signed – Okenwa Ikechukwu Henry (Henrich Computers).


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