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BIOGRAPHY {Mrs. V. C. Ojiadazie}.

Late Adaozo Mrs. Victoria Chioma Ojiadazie was born on the Second (2nd) day of October, 1954, into the family of Late Pa. Michael Ukeh, of Umuchibu, Abor-Isikwe, Achi, Oji-River Local Government Area, of Enugu State.

She got her early education at St. Bartholomew, Isikwe-Achi, were she obtained her First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) in the year Nineteen Sixth Five (1965), afterwhich she proceeded to Teacher Training College, Akpugoeze, were she bagged her Teachers Certificate (TC) II in Nineteen Ninety Two (1992).

To crown it up, she later advanced her studies, and got a Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE) in the year Two Thousand and Five (2005).

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As a teacher, she taught in several schools including Community School Nkwere, Inyi, Joint School Achi, and Obinetiti Community School, Achi, were she retired in Two Thousand and Fourteen (2014).

Mama was hardworking and industrious from the onset.

As a young lady, she produced and sold garri. Also, she had her farm, were she cultivated crops to support her family.

She was a humble woman, who greatly impacted lives. She taught people the important of hardwork, and praying for everything they wanted in life.

Mama showed love to all the persons who came her way. She radiated love on the entire family, and all her grandchildren have special testimonies to that effect, because, she was there for them.

She was filled with wisdom, strength, compassion and love, as many lives were blessed through her goodness.

She always preach peace to everyone.

The late Ada-Ozo was popularly known as Electric Umu-Agbara.

She was so good at what she does.


By His special grace, she died a fulfilled woman.

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‘Special thanks to the Ojiadazie’s, for enthrusting in Dabelz Entertainment‘.


We the family of Late ADAOZO,  Mrs. Victoria Chioma Ojiadazie, also known as, Electric Umuagbara, of Isikwe Community, Achi, Oji-River Local Government Area, of Enugu State, appreciates each and everyone of you, who took time out of your busy schedule, to make this burial ceremony successful.


With a grateful heart, we love to say a big thank you , for all your supports, prayers, calls, and gifts.

May the Almighty God, grant you journey mercies, back to your respective destinations in Jesus name. Amen!


Nnaedozie Ojiadazie (OMEIHEUKWU 1 n’Achi)

For the family.

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